We at Sanders & Walker Farmyards think farming is a great way to become one with nature while having fun in the sun and getting your hands dirty producing natural and delicious foods. It’s a rewarding way to contribute to a more sustainable lifestyle.

We are a family-owned and operated business created to show people that there are other options besides pharmaceutical drugs that can be used to improve their health. For generations, our family has used the earth’s resources to heal and nourish our bodies – and it’s time for society to use these resources to do the same. Our quality products can tremendously impact overall health, and we want to help people experience the healing abilities found in the earth. 

We’re passionate about providing you with the best quality produce. We are committed to giving back to the community and helping those in need. We will support our community by donating to help those in need of food and other supplies. We don’t just support through donations, we also look to employ members of the community to provide financial stability to families. We believe everyone deserves access to healthy food and way of providing for their families, and we are committed to helping make that a reality.